Monday, March 26, 2018

Scavenger Hunt - 26 February 2018

26 February 2018 – I drove to the Kawasaki dealer and that place just rented Kawasaki’s. They didn’t have any oil for sale.  The Harley-Davidson Dealer was closed. So those two dealers were a bust. I purchased 3 quarts / liters of oil and a t-shirt from the Yamaha Dealer. I’m going to be changing oil in the next few days so I want to have the oil available when I need it. I asked the Yamaha Dealer if I could change my oil there since I bought the oil from them. They told me no Kawasaki’s are allow to change oil in the Yamaha Dealership. I told them thank you and left.

Finding the three motorcycle dealers was a lot easier than finding my way back to the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel. It was only 2 Miles / 3 Kilometers away from the Harley-Davidson Dealer when I left for the Marriott Hotel. I missed several turns on the return trip and after getting turned around and back on the correct road I missed a few more turns. So, I’m eventually 5 Miles / 8 Kilometers out and it’s hot. I’m melting down and getting mad, as if that helps at all. I continued slugging it out and did eventually get back to the hotel.

When I got back I entered the wrong entrance ramp and got in to wrong parking area and got hollered at for being stupid. I had to leave the parking ramp and re-enter on the correct ramp which is marked for Marriott parking. I made it back to the 5th floor successfully. I threw off my jacket because I was so hot and drank the rest of my bottle of water. My chain looked a little dry so I oiled that, covered my bike and went back to my room.

I changed my shirt and went shopping for a new Canon Elph Camera. There was a Canon Shop in the mall next to the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel that sold Canon Cameras. I think there are at least 5 floors in that shopping mall. After an hour of walking and asking where the Canon Shop was I found it. Of course It was in the Samsung Store. How did I not know that?  Almost everybody there knew there was a gringo walking around the mall that didn’t know where he was going.

I found the camera I was looking for and bought it. It replaced my all-time favorite camera because the lens failed to extend out. I must have dropped it or a piece of dirt got into the lens mechanism that wouldn’t allow the lens to extend out. So, the camera is junk / non-repairable. Another sad day for me. The replacement camera is mostly plastic and cost about $150 USD. No JOY here. If you’re under the impression these poor South American countries don’t have all the electronics devices, conveniences, clothes, cars, trucks, etc. etc. guess again. All the same stuff is setting on the shelves in all the stores and car lots here in Santiago. All the finest cars. We don’t have anything up on these people in Santiago.

Anyway, on my way out of the mall I stopped by McDonalds and ordered up a Big Mac and fries. I walked back to the hotel and asked Mary to set me up for another day in the hotel because I needed to work on my blog. In the elevator I met a guy from New York City, New York who is staying in the hotel along with his co-worker from Japan. They were both interested in my travels so I talked with them for about 30 minutes. I gave both of them my cards with my blog address on so they could follow my travels. They said I would have people following my blog in India and Japan. That’s kind of interesting. I told them I needed to get my clothes washed and we parted ways. After my clothes were dry I went to bed. You know I have not turned on the television since I’ve been here. I’m either sleeping or working. Very little in between.

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