Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Making Up Time - 8 February 2018

8 February 2018 – Just before 7:00 a.m. the gas station attendant came over and woke me up and said it’s time to go. In a nut shell it came down to this. I can’t have you laying around here when the boss shows up. So, I got up, ate a Snickers candy bar, aired up my tires, gassed up and then worked on my route through the City of Lambayeque. It was only a minute or two after I left the gas station that I was driving through the small town with the horrible streets. Most people wet down the road in front of their houses or businesses to hold down the dust. It’s bad. How they live with the racket of the highway 2 Yards / 2 Meters away from their front door amazes me.

I continued on through the day, passing through several cities which Blanche gave me a tour of their downtown because it was the shortest route. Everything worked out smoothly. I drove through an area where the wind blew off the ocean across the sand. This sand blew across the highway and ever so occasionally it had to be shoveled or graded off the highway. I arrived in Trujillo and navigated my way through it, hoping to stop in Chimbote for the night.

I just broke free of Trujillo and the fog was rolling in off the ocean. I haven’t forgotten that bad fog in the mountains a week or so back. Just out of the blue, a hotel pops up out of the fog and I pull in for the night. I had enough thrills for the day and it’s right on Hwy 1N. It had secure parking and a room rate of $16. My kind of hotel. After checking in, I worked on some more routes I need to get through the next town. I also talked to Mary. She’s in Tucson, Arizona this week with her boss. I plan on leaving in the morning and it’s already past 11:00 p.m. I need to get to bed. 

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